Femme portant Le Guide Colorimétrie pour Femme - Les Petits Imprimés

The Colorimetry Guide for Women

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Which Couleurs Suit You Best?

At Les Petits Imprimés, this question obsesses us.

Many of you don't know how to answer it and are looking to be guided in choosing your clothes and accessories.

After observing thousands of women, we have decided to accompany you in the world of colorimetry for women.

No blabla in this digital book, but a real concentration of experience and practice which will make you an expert on yourself.

What you need to know

Have you ever observed the color of your eyes, of your hair and your skin?

Have you REALLY looked at them in detail?

Because by defining your exact colors, you will be able to define your color palette that resonates most with them.

Today, like the majority of women, you perhaps choose your clothes, jewelry and accessories according to the trends.

Following your favorite in store, you get tired of wearing this piece after a few weeks, or don't know how to combine it for you

t1983>reinvent and wear it more often.

Result: it ends up in the closet, like many pieces before it. You feel frustrated.

Worse: you lose money.

Imagine for a moment mastering colorimetry, you could:

Match all your outfits according to the color of your eyes, your hair and your skin for a harmonious and elegant.

Define a color palette that is unique to you in accordance with who you are.

Boost your confidence in yourself and radiate on all occasions.

Save time in store because you will know which colors of clothing and accessories to choose.

Save money by only purchasing pieces that suit you and enhance your personality.

Like many customers, you too can obtain these results today thanks to our reference guide on colorimetry.

In this digital work, you will discover:

Everything about colorimetry: from the origins to its use by the biggest brands, from its principles to its advantages in your daily life.

Our personalized test: to determine the ideal colors for you and define your personal palette.

ideas for harmonious and elegant outfits according to your colorimetry.

Advice for investing intelligently in quality pieces that enhance you and accessorizing them with taste, so you never get tired of it.

And a nice surprise.

*As this product is digital, it is not eligible for withdrawal.



Je me suis complètement reconnue dans l'introduction du guide 😂 Je ne suis pas une grande dépensière de base mais maintenant je sais exactement quelles couleurs acheter et c'est vrai que ça change tout.

Avis de Helena sur le Guide de Colorimétrie Les Petits Imprimés

Chapeau bas pour ce bel ouvrage qui m'a entre autres bien aidé à faire du tri dans ma garde-robe!

Avis de Marion sur le Guide de Colorimétrie Les Petits Imprimés

Je suis très contente des informations que j'ai trouvé dans ce guide. Je me sens plus à l'aise dans le choix de mes vêtements. Et si besoin je relis certains passages. Merci pour ce travail !

Avis d'Agathe sur le Guide de Colorimétrie Les Petits Imprimés


Tout simplement pour vous guider dans vos sessions shopping. Nous avons mis tout notre cœur et notre savoir pour apporter une solution concrète aux questions récurrentes de nos clientes. À travers notre guide, nous répondons ainsi en détail aux problématiques des femmes en matière de choix des couleurs.

Après avoir validé votre commande, vous recevrez immédiatement un e-mail contenant votre guide à télécharger au format PDF. Vous pourrez alors le consulter sur votre téléphone ou votre ordinateur et profiter de nos conseils.

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